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Buwog Penzing / Wettbewerb

The former Siemens grounds forms and the residential complex currently in development on this site are nestled in an area consisting of small houses in the Penzing district of Vienna. The development, with a topography inclining to the south, is framed by Cumberlandstrasse and Penzinger Strasse. BWM Architekten want to cover the area with a green carpet that runs through the centrally located A1 main building and then climbs up the façade of structure D1. In its southern section, the carpet appears to end in tassels that merge into an internal street leading onto Penzinger Strasse. The aim was to loosen up the high density of buildings on the site by increasing the proportion of green spaces.

Participation in a competition for a residential complex on the former Siemens grounds in Vienna’s Penzing district

Competition 06/2017


BWM Team
Heidi Pretterhofer, Liz Zimmermann, Massimiliano Marian

Image credit
Rendering: Arquitectos


house-worker Bau- und Handels-GmbH