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John Harris Fitness, Sofiensäle 1030

Following a fire that destroyed the historical building in 2001, the Sophiensäle were fully renovated and given a new lease on life. The building now also houses a modern John Harris fitness centre spanning a floor area of 1550m2, complete with the established JH corporate design.

The interior design draws on the history of the original entertainment location, with heavy, red curtains, glamorous lighting in the mirrors and stucco conjuring an atmosphere of old-time vaudeville. The spacious training areas are both fresh and elegant, while exuding calm and harmony.

Interior Design of a John Harris FItness club

Completion 02/2015

John Harris Fitness GmbH

1550 m²

BWM Team
Birgit Eschenlor (PL) , Katrin Stefanzl, Judith Moser-Harnoncourt, Ingrid Schmid, Alexandra Spitzer, Tatjana Kalatzi, Massimiliano Marian

Image credit
BWM Architekten / Christoph Panzer


Lighting design
Designbüro Christian Ploderer, Wien