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The Park Kitchen

The glazed façade of the staff canteen opens up like a display cabinet to offer a view over the surrounding Belvedere and Schweizergarten parks. The idea of “dining in the park” also forms the basis for the restaurant’s interior: shades of light green dominate the furniture, and the specially created parquet flooring has a mottled appearance reminiscent of the play of light and shade under trees in the summertime.

Design (preliminary design up to and including final planning; artistic supervision) of the staff restaurant in Erste Campus at Vienna’s main train station.

Completion 02/2016

Erste Campus Immobilien GmbH & Co KG

BWM Team
Markus Flägner, Marlene Gesierich, Heike Dralle, Massimiliano Marian, Durdica Glavina

Image credit
© BWM Architekten / Wolf Silveri, Christoph Panzer


Architecture Erste Campus
henke und schreieck Architekten

Landscape planning
Auböck & Karasz

Service engineering
Altherm Engineering GmbH

Electrical planning
Altherm Engineering GmbH